Top 6 2019
A very successful weekend for Cubs ran over the late bank holiday weekend from 24th to 27th May 2019.
11 teams of Cubs competed against each other over 10 different skills with the winner being crowned the Top 6 for 2019
The final placings were
1st Place 4th Streatham “Port” 8033
2nd Place 8th Lambeth “A” 7861
3rd Place 22nd Streatham “A” 7248
4th Place 4th Streatham “Starboard” 6930
5th Place 1st Streatham Common 6616
6th Place 15th Lambeth 6374
7th Place 19th Clapham/1st Brixton “A” 6331
8th Place 8th Lambeth “B” 6253
9th Place 19th Clapham/1st Brixton “B” 6182
10th Place 1st Streatham Hill 6174
11th Place 22nd Streatham “B” 5982
Congratulations to everyone who took part, and a huge thank you to all the adults who ran bases, supported teams, and generally helped make the event run smoothly